Sunday, September 24, 2006

company with my sister.

picture in the bathroom... hehe

looking at the menu in Pizza Hut in Korea.

we ordered salad and pastar..
because I was tired for the rice everyday, every meal^^

2006. 9. 23


Dönner - เดินเนอร์ - 듀너 - ドエナー - 德納 said...

hi my friend!

cool pictures! you two have great style! I like your new clothing style! new?! maybe you just never dressed up like that in canada, eh?! haha anyways good job!

you girls forgot to drink some german beer!


Anonymous said...

jjejeej your are tired of rise????

i know after a year in canada!!!!

missing you

Anonymous said...

You girls are looks a like and both of you are so sweet, that's why you're sister...:)
I do like the way that you're dressing's kind of cool style...

Anonymous said...

wow!! yes, sometime after being with our food we actually want to eat some of the North American one,right?
i´ve been missing you!
take care!
DAnubia from Brazil!