Wednesday, August 02, 2006

in Montreal

it was something different than BC or rest of Canada.
people say it is very French...

yes.. that's right. it is something different than Victoria as well.

in St. Patrick's Church... just BREAUTIFUL.
I could say... Art of French is so beautiful and very deligated.

in the Olynpic statium...
Fabio's strong desire! *^^*

yes BMO's head office is in Montreal.


1 comment:

Dönner - เดินเนอร์ - 듀너 - ドエナー - 德納 said...

hey montreal looks like a german city...haha although germany is more pretty! ;-)

and I´m proud of you! really good pictures....and I´m also have seen more of canada than I do...I need to travel more!